Diamonds come in a range of shapes, colours, and sizes. All of these gemstones have intricate characteristics that make them unique and indicate their value. When choosing the right diamond, it is important to look at its characteristics to determine its quality.
Understanding the value grading system of the diamonds is a good way to ensure you are making the right investment. The major grading system used by experts is the 4Cs of diamonds. Assessing all of these elements can give you a good idea of your diamond’s quality.
4Cs of Diamond Quality
All of these characteristics are integral in determining the quality of the diamond. The 4Cs of diamond quality are:
· Colour
· Carat Weight
· Cut
· Clarity
Let’s have a look at them in detail:
The colour of the diamond has a major impact on its overall value. The most popular one is the colourless, pure diamond that is often used in jewellery. However, there are also warmer-hued ones that are less expensive than colourless ones.
The deep-hued ones, like zimmi yellow diamonds, are extremely rare and expensive. These are typically for investment purposes as their value increases with time.
Carat Weight
This characteristic isn’t the most objective one of the 4Cs. The experts measure the carat weight of the diamond using a calibrated digital scale. Since the bigger diamonds are worth more, the carat weight is connected with the value and quality of a diamond.
You might know about the carat weight in fraction for diamonds, like one, one-half, and one-quarter, etc. However, using decimals in the carat weight is how it is best represented. A one carat diamond could be 0.89 in carat weight, which is basically a rounding practice being utilized in stores to make the diamond seem higher in value. In reality, a true one carat diamond should be more expensive than a 0.89 carat diamond.
The cut of the diamond affects not only its quality but also its overall appearance. Cutting this gemstone requires precise proportions of the crown, table, and pavilion. The diamond’s cut quality also considers the girdle thickness and dept of the stone. Only the right cut of a diamond holds the refractive and reflective properties required for optimal beauty.
The ideal cut includes three main effects that give the diamond its quality:
· Scintillation: A play between dark and light areas of the diamond
· Fire: The flashes of colour it displays when light is refracted
· Brightness: The white light reflection
The main idea of cutting the diamond is to attain an ideal contrast between dark and light areas for a sharp and brilliant appearance of the diamond.
Clarity of a diamond is the inclusions or flaws on the diamond. Assessing the clarity of the diamond involves determining the position, nature, relief, size, and number of these characteristics and how they impact the diamond’s appearance.
Following are the common categories of clarity grades:
· Included (I1), (I2), and (I3): obvious inclusion easily visible to the eye
· Slightly Included (SI1) and (SI2): noticeable inclusions visible to the eye
· Very Slightly Included (VS1) and (VS2): minor inclusions easily detected under 10x magnification
· Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1) and (VVS2): minor inclusions are barely seen under 10x magnification
· Internally Flawless (IF): slight surface blemishes
· Flawless (FL): no blemishes or inclusions
Flawless diamonds are the most expensive ones and are rare.
Assessing these 4Cs is crucial to determine the quality of the diamond. Having a working knowledge of these will ensure you will be able to make the right investment. Moreover, a certification is an additional C that must be considered when buying a quality diamond to prove its rarity and authenticity.
With multiple characteristics supporting the brilliance of the diamond, having an understanding of what makes a diamond special is integral for such a big investment.